Problem: Ogre3D mesh with Intel Graphic

If you are trying to export an ogre mesh from any 3D apps, and want it to be compatible with intel GMA900 & 950, then don't use "shared geometry" option because the chipset doesn't support that feature and your program will get this error:

ogre exception(3):failed to DrawPrimitive :invaid call in RenderSystem_Direct3D9 ::render at ..\src\OgreD3d9RenderSystem.cpp(line 2812)

here's the link explaining the root of the problem.

John Carmack perspective

After reading a John Carmack Article, it just hit me that why don't I just follow my dreams like he did? I mean, just do it, without worrying that it might not work out.

The Worst(tm) that could happen is that I'll be working as an actuary/programmer somewhere in Bangkok. I won't starve, I will have enough money to take care of my family, and I will probably can afford anything that I want.

So be it. Let's try coding without worrying for once.